Patented 3D PEMF Therapy


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PEMF - Testimonials and References

We have prepared a list of Biomag magnetic (PEMF) therapy users and operators. Biomag magnetic (PEMF) therapy devices and applicators are used by professionals in more than 30 countries around the world.

Find out which facilities provide Biomag PEMF therapy in your area. We believe that the number and names of users and operators of Biomag magnetic (PEMF) therapy will convince you of the quality of our products.

List of all facilities using Biomag magnetic therapy

Centre for Social and Nursing Assistance in Prague 10

CLR LauRa s.r.o.

Czech Scientific Services s.r.o.

DC 90 o.p.s.

Retirement home Dvůr Králové nad Labem

AESKULAP spol. s.r.o. – rehabilitation, Červená Voda

AGEL Středomoravská nemocniční a.s., Prostějov Hospital

AquaKlim, s.r.o.

BezVa FYZIOTERAPIE s.r.o., physiotherapy

Medical Rehabilitation Centre

St. Zdislava

Retirement Home Velké Hamry

Care Facility Domov Na Výsluní, Hořovice

Care Facility Domov Na Zámku, Nezamyslice

Home for people with disabilities Zběšičky, Bernatice u Milevska

Care Facility Domov Sněženka Jeseník

Francis SPA HOTEL s.r.o., Františkovy Lázně

Physiocentrum Praha s.r.o.

Physiotherapy Cimfl s.r.o., Kostelec nad Orlicí

Physiotherapy Mladá Vožice s.r.o.

Hamza Specialist Hospital for Children and Adults, Luže – Košumberk

Chironax Frýdek – Místek s.r.o.

Integra, production cooperative, Zlín

Kinesis physiotherapy s.r.o., Ostrava

Kruh Znojmo – centre of health services for children, p.o.

Spa Kostelec u Zlína

Léčebná rehabilitace ZDRAVÍ s.r.o., Olomouc

Levitovo Centre for Aftercare, Horice

Masaryk Municipal Hospital in Jilemnice

MEDICAVERA, spol. s r.o., Prague, Horní Měcholupy

Home for the elderly Eliška Purkyňová, Prague

Home for the elderly Malešice, Prague

Home for seniors Nové Strašecí, provider of soc. services

Senior Citizens Home Prostějov, p.o.

Home for the elderly Vidim, provider of social services

Medicom´s, spol. s.r.o., Prostějov

Rehabaťa s.r.o., Pardubice

REHABE s.r.o., Venice nad Jizerou

Ostrava Municipal Hospital, p. o.- rehabilitation

City social and health services Kolín

MMN, a.s., Hospital Semily

Monada s.r.o., Prague

Hospital České Budějovice, a.s.

Hospital Jihlava

Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo in Prague

Hospital Nymburk s.r.o.

Hospital of Pardubice Region, a.s. – workplace Litomyšl

Hospital Prachatice, a.s.

Hospital Tanvald, s.r.o.

Třinec Hospital, p. o. – rehabilitation

PRALEDO s.r.o., Uherský Ostroh

REHA centre Jičín, s.r.o.

Rehabilitation Horácko, Velké Meziříčí

Rehabilitation Jundrov s.r.o., Brno

Rehabilitation Modřany s.r.o., Prague

Home Harmonie, centre of social services Mirošov, p.o.

Home Na Zámku, p.o., Lysá nad Labem

Home for people with disabilities in Mariánská, p.o., Ostrov

Home for the elderly Bechyně

Home for the elderly Kostelec na Hané, p.o., Kostenec na Hané

Rehabilitation TEMPO s.r.o., Svitavy

Rehabilitation Vital s.r.o., Polička

Health Rehabilitation Centre, spol. s.r.o., Pardubice

Rehabilitation institute for cerebrovascular diseases spol. s r. o. Chotebor

REHAGAMA s.r.o., Rychnov nad Kněžnou

Hospital Znojmo, contributory organization

Regional Hospital Kolín – workplace Mukařov

Regional Hospital Náchod a.s. – Broumov

ORTOMEDICAL s.r.o., Plzeň

Policlinic AGEL – Transport Healthcare a.s., Česká Třebová

Institute of Hand Surgery and Plastic Surgery, p.o., Vysoké nad Jizerou

Vita vera, spol. s r.o., Říčany

Military Hospital Olomouc

General University Hospital in Prague

Vysočina Hospital s.r.o., Humpolec

Rehako s.r.o., Pardubice

Rehamil, s.r.o., Lysá nad Labem

REPO Jičín s.r.o.

Joint outpatient facility spol. s r.o., Lanškroun

Slatinné Spa Třeboň s.r.o.

Social Services Vsetín, p.o.

Private clinic LOGO s.r.o., Blansko

State Spa Janské Lázně, state enterprise

Therapy Renée s.r.o., Kutná Hora


Medical facility of the Ministry of the Interior, Hradec Králové

Biocentrum P s.r.o., Humpolec

Centrum Paraple, o.p.s., Prague

Social Assistance Centre Třinec, p.o.

Outpatient rehabilitation facility Body Brno v.o.s.

Codum s.r.o., Prague – Modřany

St. Anne’s Church in Brno

Home for the elderly Vroutek, p.o.

Home for seniors Pohoda, Olomouc

Home for seniors Úvaly, provider of social services, Úvaly

Home in the Tower, p.o., Tower

Fyziomona s.r.o., Prague

Apropo Jičín o.p.s.

Prague Čáslav Physiotherapy Centre, s.r.o.

Diakonie ČCE, Betanie Centre, Náchod

Retirement Home Roudnice nad Labem, p.o.

Retirement Home Ústí nad Orlicí

Hydromedical, spol. s.r.o., Ústí nad Labem

Physiotherapy LHI s.r.o., Brno

Fyziotoncar, s.r.o., Decin

IKEM, Prague

Iprea, Prague

Krajská zdravotní, a.s., – workplace: hospital Děčín, o.z.

Municipal Hospital Čáslav

Municipal hospital with polyclinic Uh. Brod, s.r.o.

Mona physiotherapy, s.r.o., Letohrad

Hospital Blansko

Hospital Dačice, a.s.

Spa Bělohrad a.s.

Hospital for the long-term sick, Hradec Králové

Medical House Prague 7, a.s.

Mamocentrum – Femina s.r.o., Ostrava

B. Braun Avitum s.r.o. Slavkov u

Agel a.s. – Hospital Přerov

Albertinum – professional medical institute Žamberk

Home for the elderly, contributory organisation Břeclav

Fit Klinic s.r.o., Havířov

Physiocentrum Bat’a s.r.o., Pardubice

Rehabilitation Mironidi s.r.o., Horní Suchá

Rehabilitation Náměšt’ s.r.o., Náměšt’ nad Oslavou

Rehabilitation Uničov s.r.o.

Rehabilitation Vítková, s.r.o., Znojmo

Rehabilitation Institute Hostinné

SENIOR centre Blansko, p.o.

Social Services Vsetín, contributory organization, Valašské Meziříčí

Spa hotel THERMAL, Karlovy Vary

Therap Tilia, Prague

Trauma Hospital in Brno

Letovice Hospital, p.o.

Hospital Na Pleši s.r.o., Nová Ves pod Pleší

Hospital of Pardubice Region, a.s., Pardubice

Hospital Počátky, s.r.o.

Hospital Tábor, a.s.

Rehacentrum Nika spol. s r.o., Zlín

Rehagrabi s.r.o., Český Krumlov

Rehalcentrum s.r.o., Cheb

RehaTime s.r.o., Broumov

SAREMA Liberec s.r.o.

Profi rehabilitation s.r.o., Kolín

Reha Centrum Mladá Boleslav s.r.o.

Rehab-centrum Tábor s.r.o.

Rehabilitation and regeneration RS, s.r.o., Chrudim

Rehabilitation Janáková, s.r.o., Kryry

Hospital Třebíč, contributory organization

Hospital Valašské Meziříčí, a.s.

Regional Hospital Kolín, a.s., Hospital of the Central Bohemia Region, Kutná Hora

Regional Hospital Náchod a.s. – Jaroměř

Orthopaedics and rehabilitation – La Santé, s.r.o. Ostrava

Vsetín Hospital a.s.,Vsetín

Vysočina Hospital s.r.o., Ledeč nad Sázavou

Facility for aftercare and hospice care, p.o., Nejdek

Medical facility of the Ministry of the Interior, České Budějovice

Ministry of Defence, Prague

Prison Service of the Czech Republic, Valdice

Medi Help spol. s.r.o. Dobříš

Poliklinika Břeclav, s.r.o.

SurGal Clinic s.r.o., Brno

Military spa and recreational facilities – workplaces: Teplice

Where does Biomag 3D PEMF therapy help?

Biomag's 3D PEMF therapy devices are currently helping people on every continent. Thousands of satisfied users and renowned clinics use the innovative Biomag devices in their quest for better health.


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Lenka Sůvová

Mgr. Lenka Sůvová customer care

Why Biomag?

Vysoký výkon a maximální účinnost
High performance and effectiveness of therapeutic effects.
Pomáhá k lepšímu zdraví. Již ve 40 zemích světa
Helps improve health.
Already in 40 countries.
Pomáháme již 30 let
30 years of experience in the field, Czech product.
100 000 + spokojených zákazníků
More than 100,000 satisfied customers.
Lenka Sůvová

Mgr. Lenka Sůvová customer care

How does the testing work?

  • Simply book your trial application using this form
  • A specialist will contact you on the number you provided
  • Arrange a date and address for the trial application
  • Discuss any details and your questions
  • During the application you will learn about all the features and benefits of Biomag 3D PEMF therapy
  • Comfortably support your health

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